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JW Marriot Hotel Medan Valentine Giveaway 2015 : Celebration of Love

Created. Fri, 30 Jan 2015 08:30:03
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JW Marriot Hotel Medan Valentine Giveaway 2015 : Celebration of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day ! Wanna win one voucher buffet dinner at Marriott Café for 2 person?! Of course you do. Repost this image via Instagram, follow @jwmarriotthotelmedan and tag 5 friends for a chance to win one voucher buffet dinner at Marriott Café for 2 person.

Check out the full details below to get started:

  1. Follow @jwmarriotthotelmedan and tag 5 friends.
  2. Repost the image.
  3. Tag @jwmarriotthotelmedan include the hashtag #jwmedan #valentinejwmm
  4. The latest #repost on 14th February 2015
  5. The winners will be announce on Wednesday, February 18th 2015 on instagram @jwmarriotthotelmedan

Make sure your profile is public !

#medanreview #event #giveaway #instagramcompetition #instacompetition #valentine #valentinedays #jwmarriot #jwmarriotmedan #medan #couples #celebrationoflove

JW Marriott Hotel Medan ( 3.596488075 , 98.67553813 )
JW Marriott Hotel Medan ( 3.596488075 , 98.67553813 )

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